Sweaty Bullets FAQ

Q: Why is your FAQ so miserably short?
A: Because nobody has yet sent me an e-mail asking anything.

Q: Why is the artwork so crappy?
A: I've chosen to misinterpret this question as "How do you draw your strips?". The answer is here.

Q: How often does the site update?
A: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Q: Are you some kind of right-wing gun nut?
A: Yes, but not necessarily in the way you think. The firearm-based mayhem within the strip is not intended as an expression of my personal beliefs.

Q: How can I assist you in your evil scheme to conquer the Internet?

  1. Visit often and enjoy the strip.
  2. Tell others to visit often and enjoy the strip.
  3. Link to me; I'll return the favor.
  4. Contribute fan art, thereby increasing the median quality of art on the site.
  5. Vote:

    And I'm not evil, I'm just heavily armed.

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